Thursday, November 2

Are Data Entry Jobs On The Internet Scams?

Mary had a wonderful job at a prestigious office downtown, and has been on maternity leave. Her leave is almost over, but she really doesn’t want to leave Baby Grace. If only she could generate the same size of paycheck from home…..

Cara is a college freshman and really needs to pay part of her tuition. She did really well in typing class last year, and is acing the IT class this year as well, but she knows she will have trouble getting a high paying job as a 19 year old that she could work around her busy class schedule. Maybe she could do something online…..

Steve had a bad accident last year and it’s going to be quite a while before he’s had enough rehabilitation to go back to work. He’s getting some workmen’s comp, but his family is really making do without. They’re not complaining, but if only he could generate some extra cash for them from his wheelchair…..

What do Mary, Cara and Steve have in common? They all need a job typing or doing data entry online. Over 80,000 people did a search for “data entry at home” last month on Yahoo alone. That’s just one search engine. If you add Google and some of the others, the figure would be staggering.

Most of these people are looking for a company that needs typing or data entry done, and will employ them to do it at home, and e-mail the finished product to them. So they type in “Data Entry from home” on their favorite search engine, and find a long list of ads offering a way to make a mint from data entry.

Actually the ads never indicate that there is a company who will hire them, but simply that they can make a lot of money doing data entry from home. The ad offers a service or training materials that will show you how.

Unfortunately, the person who did the search often has in mind an employer-employee situation that will allow them to trade time for money. They read these expectations into the ads they are reading, and when they see that what they are looking at is more than a traditional job, they start to holler “SCAM!”

Are they indeed scams? A scam is a conscious attempt to get your money without giving you anything, or much of anything, in return. Do all typing or data entry programs on the internet do this? Are they just out to get your money?

Many of the more serious Data Entry jobs work in the same way. They direct you to make a free account with Clickbank, a directory of over 10,000 digital products, and another with Google Adwords. You can advertise on the Google search engine with Adwords, and the ads are very short, so they are easy to generate.

When you sign up to a Data Entry job, and pay your one-time $29 – $98 membership fee, they will teach you how to make a solid income setting up ad campaigns with Adwords and other Pay Per Click firms. When someone buys a Clickbank product through your ads, you will receive 25% - 75% of the purchase price. This can add up rather quickly, and the ads continue to run indefinitely, so it can turn into a residual income source for you that has no ceiling. Mary, Cara and Steve could be making $4000 or $5000 a month within a few weeks if they were to sign up to the right Data Entry offer and work it seriously at least 2 – 3 hours a day.

The trouble is that most of the people who search for a job online have no idea how easy it is, and would never click on an ad that said “Start Your Own Business as an Independent Marketer.” So the ads tend to say “Typist Wanted” or “Data Entry Position Available.” It’s true. There are positions still available for this type of work. The market is still wide open, and they want typists to join their program.

Are these jobs scams? The answer is NO. There are data entry opportunities online that are NOT scams. They are not employee-employer type relationships, though. They offer the training and tools you will need to become a success as an independent marketer who is able to generate much more money than a job would have offered. They are not out to take your money from you for nothing. In fact almost all of them have a full money back guarantee. They will not refund your advertising costs that you may incur while trying the program, but you will have full control over how much you spend, and can start advertising for as little as $5.

This is truly a win-win situation. You have a money back guarantee, and the opportunity to generate enough money to quit or replace you current job. It’s worth a try. Follow the two steps below to make a new lifestyle happen for you!

1. Choose a Data Entry Offer

Find a reputable Data Entry company to join. Do some solid comparisons of the leading firms. Can you simply do it on your own? Sure you can, but most people who start out trying to reinvent the wheel end up failing. You can’t afford to loose advertising money by making the wrong decisions, and it could take you years of trial and error before you find what actually works.

The maxim “You get what you pay for” applies here. Some of the cheaper sites simply tell you the ideas and leave you to figure out the how and then fine tune it to achieve a profit. Others actually walk you through each step in the process, and offer some sort of personal help if you have trouble.

2. Plan to Take this Venture Seriously

So many people sign up and then take no action whatsoever. They are the ones who holler “SCAM” the loudest, but if you purchase the material and then refuse to follow the steps, there will be no results. You will have to invest some time and money into the equation.

Realistically, it will take you at least two hours a day to study the material, take action and start seeing an income within three or four weeks. Four hours a day will bring you results twice as fast. After you have achieved your income goals, it will take much less time to maintain, but the original setup is always the hardest step.

You will have to pay for the advertising you do. You can get started for as little as $5, but it could cost $50 or $100 to start to see results. Don’t think of this as spending money. It is an investment in your future, and if spent carefully, will be returned to you many times over, and your life will never be the same.