Sunday, May 7

How To Get Things Done With A Weekly Schedule

Having put in a year now in internet marketing, I finally feel like I'm really getting started on my journey to financial stability and significant profits. Thought it might be useful for others who are just getting started to follow my progress. Thus a new blog.

Everyone says internet marketing is like a big jigsaw puzzle, and as soon as you find all the pieces and get them in place the money just starts to roll in. This is probably very true. I've been struggling for some months now with a serious information overload, and task overload. I thought a simple task list in order of importance could keep me on track. It worked for a while, but my list kept growing much faster than I could get it done and I got overwhelmed with that as well.

Last week I stumbled across a weekly schedule for the most important tasks. I've modified it to fit my situation and started to use it, and it seems to be helping a lot.

Here's the schedule I'm using:

  • Day 1 – Work on link exchanges.
  • Day 2 – Work on e-mail list and mailing ezine.
  • Day 3 – Work on improving web page.
  • Day 4 – Work on tweaking PPC campaigns.
  • Day 5 – Develop a new article.
  • Day 6 – Publish new article.
I also have a list that I need to get done every day.

  • Check and answer e-mails.
  • Expose myself to whatever training I'm currently involved in.
  • Read and post in forums.
  • Do any necessary advertising.
  • Consider posting in blog.
  • Check Stats at the end of the day.

This schedule seems to be keeping me focused on the current task instead of aimlessly drifting from task to task and not really accomplishing anything. In fact I'm really starting to have fun.

PS. The photo is a park about 15min. from my condo. Kurume, where I live is famous for azaleas. Imagine playing hide-and-seek here!


At 4:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
We have corresponded recently and indeed you were very helpful with your advice, for which I'd like to say thanks. I will be taking action soon.
I would like to say its nice to see such a friendly face, really does make a complete newbie like myself, not feel so inhibited about asking " stupid " questions. Good luck to you.
Carol U.K.


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